Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tart Time #3

Time to make another tasty tart! This one was inspired by a chocolate based tart recipe I saw on Heston Blumenthal's 'Heston's Feast' showing right now on SBS. In Heston's recipe he made a passionfruit infused chocolate ganache tart with pop rock candy hidden in the biscuit base.

My version ended up a little different as these things often do, but it was still a pretty mean tart! Instead of putting pop rocks in the base I decided to make a raspberry sticky jam (slightly thicker than average store jam and without gelatine, almost like a toffee) and mix in the pop rocks. I started by pressing a cup of fresh raspberries through a sieve. I then mixed with castor sugar in a heavy bottomed pan and continued as though I were going to make toffee. When the colour became an intense maroon I poured the fixture on a tray line with baking paper and sprinkled the pop rocks on top. Then when ready to served I simply scraped a teaspoon of the mixture and placed on top of the individual tarts. The pop rock jam was so good I had to stop myself from eating the tray. The fresh raspberry flavour worked perfectly with the passionfruit and the result was a tangy, sweet, chocolatey tart...with a burst of suprise with the pop rocks.  A sprig of mint always helps to cut out a bit of the sweetness too I find.

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